Research & Support
- Please review our Publications
- Browse our Current News & Events section
- Review our most recent Ethanol Fact Book.
- Review the White Papers, Issues Briefs and other materials produced by the Clean Fuels Foundation’s Ethanol Across America campaign.
- EPA maintains a robust website regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard, Gasoline Standards and Regulations, and Mobile Source Air Toxics.
- The U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration maintains current ethanol information regarding price, supply, demand and the Alternative Fuels Data Center maintains technical data about greenhouse gas emissions, energy balance, E85 refueling stations, and FFVs.
Media Support
In spite of the threats imposed on our society by growing oil imports and air pollution, ethanol and biofuels continue to be subjected to rumors and unfounded concerns based on outdated research and biased public relations campaigns played out in the media. As a result, there is a constant need for high quality and consistent information about clean fuels provided by CFDC and supported by validated research from government, industry, and academia. CFDC works with the media to counter the myths and miscommunications surrounding the development of clean fuels by providing letters to the editors, publications, and other educational information (see publications).
There has been a battle to thwart the advancement of ethanol even before the Anti-Gasohol Competition Act of 1980 – only one year after its commercial introduction. The following is a compilation of Anti-Ethanol Media Coverage and CFDC Responses from the past two decades:
If you would like our support or need additional information you can’t find, please email or call us. We can put you in touch with a multitude of subject matter experts.
(See Publications Link)

CFDC’s Durante with Chairman Todd Sneller of Nebraska Ethanol Board, the 2016 and 2017 recipients of the Merle Anderson Award from the American Coalition for Ethanol.

CFDC Vehicles at the Memorial Day parade in Washington DC.

CFDC was the creator and sponsor of six Environmental Inaugural Balls, here attended by EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman.

President Bill Clinton visits with Durante and Clean Fuels Foundation Advisory Committee Member Senator Tim Johnson.
Example Media Support Articles
CFDC Comments on EPA Multipollutant Rule
An over reliance on electric vehicles, and failure to correct models and testing procedures plague the rule proposed by EPA that may fall well short of predicted benefits.
Response: Oil Lobby to Delay Deadlines for New Renewable Fuels Standard
By CFDC's Douglas Durante, Letter to the Editor, The Hill, Response to Oil Lobby Looks to Delay Deadlines for New Renewable Fuels Standard — Biofuels are critical and necessary alternatives to environmentally hazardous fossil fuels (“Oil lobby looks to delay deadlines...
Michigan Must Lead The Way On Alternative Fuels: Using more ethanol doesn’t hurt food prices
By CFDC's Douglas Durante, Letter to the Editor, Detroit Free Press — While The Detroit News should be applauded for its forward-looking editorial on the virtues of homegrown, renewable fuels ("Michigan must lead on alternative fuels," Aug. 5), it also missed an...
Drunk on Ethanol
By CFDC's Douglas Durante, Editorial "Drunk on Ethanol" — The editorial, using one-sided arguments that make the pursuit of ethanol look like a fruitless effort, failed to mention that ethanol reduces greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 20%, has a 34% net gain...
As Ethanol Takes First Steps Congress Proposes a Giant Leap
CFDC's Douglas Durante, Letter to the Editor, New York Times — Kudos for providing balanced coverage of the energy bill (“As Ethanol Takes Its First Steps, Congress Proposes a Giant Leap,” Business Day, Dec. 18). The passage of the bill could shine a light on...
The Global Grain Bubble
CFDC's Douglas Durante, Letter to the Editor, Christian Science Monitor — In response to your Jan. 18 editorial on rising grain prices: Naming ethanol as the main driver of rising food costs is misinformed. Multiple studies have shown that a number of factors affect...
Ethanol Performs Above Expectations
CFDC's Douglas Durante, Letter to the Editor, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Response to "Controversial Ethanol Being Forced on Us" — It's important to point out that ethanol-blended gasoline is nothing new, contrary to what Tex Pitfield implies ("Controversial ethanol...
Response to Ethanol — Think it over
By CFDC's Douglas Durante, Topeka Capital-Journal, Letter to the Editor, Response to Ethanol — Think it over In response to your Editorial on ethanol, it is certainly fair to ask questions and raise issues, but it would be a disservice to readers to not, in turn,...
Business Week Letter to the Editor
By CFDC's Douglas Durante, Letter to the Editor, Business Week — Blaming ethanol as the main driver of rising food costs is misinformed and inaccurate (“The Global Grain Bubble,” Jan. 18, 2008). Multiple studies have shown that a number of factors impact the cost of...
Response to Liquid Gold
By CFDC's Durante, Letter to the Editor, Newsweek, Response to Liquid Gold It’s irresponsible to blame water shortages in the Ogallala Aquifer on ethanol production (“Liquid Gold,” Feb. 21, 2008). A number of factors have contributed to water level decreases over the...