CFDC’s Douglas Durante, Letter to the Editor, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Response to “Controversial Ethanol Being Forced on Us” —

It’s important to point out that ethanol-blended gasoline is nothing new, contrary to what Tex Pitfield implies (“Controversial ethanol being forced on us,” issue, Jan. 28). Pitfield neglects to mention that roughly 46 percent of the nation’s gasoline already contains ethanol, which is credited with a 20-year track record of reducing pollution. In a report released in January, the EPA recognizes that ethanol-blended gasoline programs have improved air, water and ground quality beyond original expectations. Furthermore, technologies are being developed that will allow ethanol to be produced from virtually any feedstock at far lower prices. This combination of environmental and economic benefits makes ethanol an essential fuel that will help reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

~ Douglas A. Durante

Durante is executive director of the Clean Fuels Development Coalition in Bethesda, Md.
The Letter to the Editor above was in response to Controversial ethanol being forced on us by Tex Pitfield president and CEO of Saraguay Petroleum in Atlanta, For the Journal-Constitution, Published on: 01/28/08