Become a Supporter
CFDC Supporters and Cooperating Organizations
For three decades CFDC has served as an accelerator, incubator, partnering organization, and melting pot for like-minded organizations committed to enhancing energy, environmental, economic, public health, and national security policies.
CFDC is NOT your typical single-lane association with production or financial-based annual assessment. CFDC creates opportunities or reacts to the regulatory, legislative, and educational needs of the day, almost on a project-by-project basis. As a result, our supporter lineup ebbs and flows with the rising tides of national and state issues. In the past 30 years, 100+ companies and organizations have supported CFDC and its mission.
At times our supporting lineup has included the likes of General Motors, Chrysler, Ford, ICM Inc., Fagen Inc., Katzen International, Novozymes, Arco Chemical Company, Texaco, Sunoco, John Deere, The Texas and South Dakota Farmers Unions, the Nebraska Ethanol Board, and numerous ethanol plants and technology startups – to name drop a few.

Seeing Our Collective Vision Come to Fruition
There was a time when the world was flat (1492), our air pollution was worse than China’s (Donora PA, 1948), OPEC did not exist (1959), the U.S. was the world’s largest oil producer (1964), our rivers burned (Cuyahoga River 1969), gasoline contained lead and cost 36 cents per gallon (1972), smoking was allowed on airplanes (1978), the nation experienced it’s second OPEC oil embargoes and the attached economic crisis (1979), people said cars could not run on 10% ethanol (U.S. Anti-Gasohol Competition Act of 1980), and many of those same people thought our nation would not go to war for oil (September 10, 1990).
We must remember… President George H. Bush’s Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Persian Gulf Crisis and the Federal Budget Deficit, September 11, 1990 when he said… “Vital economic interests are at risk as well. Iraq itself controls some 10 percent of the world’s proven oil reserves. Iraq plus Kuwait controls twice that. An Iraq permitted to swallow Kuwait would have the economic and military power, as well as the arrogance, to intimidate and coerce its neighbors — neighbors who control the lion’s share of the world’s remaining oil reserves. We cannot permit a resource so vital to be dominated by one so ruthless. And we won’t.” …and “Never Forget” September 11, 2001.
Today, all cars are running on at least 10% ethanol, 20 million FFVs could burn 85% ethanol and our nation exports gasoline. For 30 years CFDC has been coordinating and guiding a coalition of like-minded leaders committed to developing cleaner-burning domestic fuels to reduce the public health threat from air pollution from gasoline and the national security and economic threat from our reliance on imported oil (25% from OPEC currently). We help leverage our member’s time, resources, and talent to take a leadership role in the development of new national energy, environmental, and economic strategies to improve clean fuel legislation and regulations. These efforts have already developed new markets to fostered new fuel technologies, improved manufacturing processes, and reduced oil imports which all – create jobs. The outcome of more clean fuels is the direct improvement in air quality – and that saves lives.
- We will continue our work to remove the regulatory barriers to the use of mid-level ethanol blends so the nation can fully realize the goals of the renewable fuel standard (RFS)
- We will work with the government and automakers so the nation can get the high-octane they need for new high-compression engines that will meet greenhouse gas reduction and CAFE improvement regulations — and not pollute citizens with highly polluting and toxic/carcinogenic aromatics like BTEX, and
- We will work with the media and all policymakers to ensure that after 40 years of market success, a solid foundation of science-based evidence, and consistent growth and $42 billion in economic activity – ethanol deserves a fair chance in a free market.
Become a CFDC Supporter: Our Why & How
Collectively, CFDC provides its members with a common ground to support their over-arching desire to meet the changing demand of the national interest and work together outside the bounds of special interests. CFDC and its members are always finding new and innovative ways to expand the market for cleaner-burning domestic fuels. We achieve our goals by educating industry stakeholders, government leaders, the public and the media about the dangers of dependence on oil and its related pollution while including the benefits of developing domestic renewable fuels like ethanol. If you have an idea to help our mission we would like to hear from you.
Having a true broad-based coalition is not easy but it keeps the mission on track and the debate about the public interest honest. As a result, CFDC continues to draw a broad range of members and supporters that share a common goal. During the past 30 years, our members have included alternative fuel technology developers, automakers, ethanol producers, project developers, chemical producers, state-affiliated organizations, and financial/legal/accounting organizations.
CFDC and its member companies have been involved in virtually every major policy and program affecting transportation fuels and the biofuels industry. This effort began with a seat on the regulatory negotiating committee that established the nationwide clean fuel programs like oxygenated fuels and reformulated gasoline created in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. CFDC has been appointed to fuel and pollution control commissions and councils in more than a dozen states and helped bring clean fuel programs to cities ranging from Phoenix to Atlanta. We then were part of the industry group that established the Renewable Fuel Standard that is the driving force behind the industry today.
CFDC recently helped establish the Urban Air Initiative (UAI) which is a broad effort to reduce toxic emissions from petroleum fuels and to enforce Clean Air Act programs to protect public health.
As you can see, while our support is broad and diverse, our mission is focused on the fight for clean fuels, clean air, and a clean conscience. Give us a call to discuss how we could work together on an exciting mission with the world’s best value proposition. Saving Lives. Creating Jobs.

Ray Katzen, one of the Founding Members of CFDC, and a pioneer and legend in ethanol process engineering.

President Bill Clinton visits with Doug and Ray Durante at the CFDC 10th Anniversary Bash in Washington

CFDC is often called upon by committees and agencies to provide their perspectives on policies.

Doug Durante, and Dave Vandergriend & Trevor Hinz of ICM at the Annual Conference of the American Coalition for Ethanol

CFDC’s Durante with Phil Madson of Katzen International as Phil receives the Lifetime Achievement Award at the World Biofuels Conference in Brussels.

CFDC Members from ICM visit with former Senate Majority Leader and author of the Renewable Fuel Standard Tom Daschle

Colorado Governor Roy Romer and Bill Holmberg receiving CFDC Awards.